Customized solutions are being developed in innovative projects, along with partners from the industry. These contribute to make technical processes and products more powerful, efficient, and sustainable.
Main research areas
The PA&T represents the center of material research and 100% real-time quality control at the university. The main research areas of the PA&T Center range from polymer technology, surface design, process analytics, and spectral imaging upto green process engineering.
The focus of the department of process analytics has been optical spectroscopy in its entire spectrum in combination with multivariate data analysis.
Spectral Imaging
Hyperspectral Imaging is a major growth area within the image processing industry.
Polymer Technology
The main research interest is the development, modification, and characterization of biomaterials.
Green Process Engineering
The aim of our research is to develop innovative concepts to increase the circularity of material flows
The main focus of development in recent years has been the further development of spatially resolved and multimodal techniques for the spectroscopy of liquids and solids. (UV/VIS, NIR, IR, Raman, fluorescence) A number of publications have been produced in this field, demonstrating our expertise.
A significant growth area within the image processing industry is hyperspectral imaging. This technique simultaneously records spatial and spectral data of objects and thus can provide the corresponding chemical information in addition to morphological changes in the image data. With light outside the visible range, such as infrared light, predictions of chemical distribution and concentration can be made. The output information of such a camera has a significantly higher degree of complexity, but also enables a much higher diversity and selectivity with regard to solvable applications.
The focus is on polyurethanes, polyamides and polyesters for use in biomedical and technical applications. Another focus is the synthesis of polymers using "reactive extrusion" for niche applications.
Reactive extrusion
Biomaterials/medical technology
Surface Modification
For further information please contact Prof. G. Lorenz.
Green Process Engineering
The research focus is on the development of (bio)chemical, thermal and mechanical technologies for the revalorization and utilization of secondary raw materials in renewable and alternative energy sources as well as in the production of sustainable materials and green chemicals.
In the experimental field, we are intensively involved in the investigation of
anaerobic and alcoholic fermentation processes,
fast and slow pyrolysis processes
as well as mechanical and (bio)chemical processing.
The aim of our research is to develop innovative concepts to increase the circularity of material flows through chemical recycling, biorefinery concepts, zero-waste strategies, life cycle analyses and mobility of environmental chemicals. These approaches should help to strengthen the bioeconomy and promote the circular economy.
“Process analytics plays a pioneering and central role in many industries today, not only by significantly influencing the efficiency and productivity of manufacturing processes, but also by acting as a key element for quality assurance and sustainability..” — Prof. K. Rebner (Head of PA&T-Center)
"Unfolding the potential of secondary resources into high value products, we engineer a greener and circular future. Through innovative process development, we unlock the potential of residual feedstocks, forging pathways to sustainable solutions and inspiring positive change for generations to come." — Prof. Almeida Streitwieser
The Nanoscribe Photonic Professional GT2 is the world's highest resolution 3D printer for nano and micro fabrication. It therefore meets the highest requirements for printing the smallest 3D precision parts with excellent shape accuracy.
Injection moulding process for rapid prototyping
The process consists of the combination of micro and nano 3D printing with two lithographic impression methods.
In the first step, 3D printing is used to structure and shape the surfaces. Due to the additive manufacturing technology, practically all surface structures can be realized. Only overhanging structural elements have to be avoided due to the subsequent molding steps. The subsequent moulding of the 3D-print structures results in a structured tool insert which can be used in a subsequent step in micro injection moulding to structure the surface of thermoplastic polymers.
Due to the reusability of the tool insert in injection moulding, the structure can be transferred to a variety of components within a short time. Thus, quantities that would not be possible with the original 3D printing can be achieved within a very short time.
Absorption spectra of solids and liquids can be measured with the desktop spectrograph Lambda 1050 from Perkin Elmer. Extinctions up to 4 in a wavelength range from UV up to long wave NIR can be detected. A integrating sphere can be integrated in the spectrometer to measure specular and diffuse reflectance as well as transmission.
IR spectra are being measured with an Perkin Elmer System 2000 FTIR spectrometer. The sample can be measured in transmission, diffuse reflectance or in ATR mode.
Optical Spectroscopy - Fluoreszenz
The fluorescence spectrometer Fluorolog 3 from Horiba enables fluorescence measurements in a wavelength range from 200 to 700 nm. The emission spectra can be recorded from 300 to 1000 nm with a signal-to-noise ratio of 4000:1. This system enables the measurement of 3D spectra by successive scanning through the excitation wavelengths.
Optical Spectroscopy - Inline
The RXN1 Raman system from Kaiser Optical Instruments can be used for inline measurements for analysis and monitoring of chemical processes. In addition, solids, powders, gels and liquids can be measured online with various probes.
Image Analysis
The microscopic methods range from dark field / bright field microscopy through polarisation- and inverse microscopy to techniques like differential interference contrast (DIC) or circular polarisation (CP).
The integrated software quantifies the morphological structures. Thus the computer calculates, for example, distributions or fineness of fibre bundles or areas of corrosion.
SNOM and SNOS with Aperture-based and Aperture-less Probes
Our unique, multimodal microscopy system allows AFM, SNOM and SNOS in various modi and combinations:
Use of apertureless probes (SIL) or aperture-based probes (pinhole pyramids)
Measurement in reflexion or in transmission
SNOS: VIS-, NIR-, Raman-, Back Scattering- and Fluorescence Spectroscopy
The combination of AFM, near field (SNOM, SNOS) and far field techniques (e.g. Raman Imaging, confocal Microscopy) on the same instrument allows us to analyze the same sample position with various measuring setups.
Chemical Imaging (CI)
Chemical Imaging (CI) combines different technologies like optical microscopy, digital imaging and molecular spectroscopy in combination with multivariate data analysis methods.
Methods of data-analysis
After the collection of the spectroscopic data, different strategies are applied to extract the most important and fundamental information from a large set of data.Experimental design is used to select or design the sample and data set. The recorded data are illustrated, evaluated, summarised and reviewed carefully. Based on a recognised pattern, a calibration model is calculated and tested, i. e. applied to another set of samples. If this test gives reasonable results, the model is verified and, finally, will be generalised to meet the requirements in the “real world” at the production line.
Additionally, this fundamental model serves as guideline for the design and construction of a monitoring system for on-line or in situ process control.
Process Analysis Tools
Correlation and regression methods
Unscrambler, Design Expert, SPSS, SIMCA
Time series, data visualisation
MatLab Toolbox, PLS - Toolbox
Analysis, Modelling and Simulation (Selection)
Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
Partial Least Square Regression (PLS)
Multivariate Curve Resolution (MCR)
Neuronal Networks (Kohonen, RBF)
Clustering (hierarchical, K-mean)
Evolving Factor Analysis (EFA) and Multivariate Curve Resolution (MCR)
EFA and MCR are procedures that calculate the number of relevant chemical compounds and their concentration, respectively, directly from the reaction spectra.
Analysis, modeling and simulation (selection)
Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
Partial Least Square Regression (PLS)
Multivariate Curve Resolution (MCR)
Neuronal Networks (Kohonen, RBF)
Clustering (hierarchical, K-mean)
Evolving Factor Analysis (EFA) and Multivariate Curve Resolution (MCR)
EFA and MCR are methods that calculate the number of relevant chemical compounds or their concentration directly from the reaction spectra.
Tabletop-SEM EM-30N
The tabletop SEM EM-30N from Coxem is a table-top device with high resolution (up to 5 nm optical), equipped with an SE and BSE detector.
This enables material characterization both in terms of surface topography/morphology and material contrast.
The samples can be sputtered with different targets (e.g. Au, Pt).
There is a capable team behind every research project. Find out more about the professors and staff in the Process Analysis & Technology research area.